commitment : The oNlY waY 💓

you know I just found something really interesting today.

Earlier I used to feel that what I should do in order to live an above average life. I Wanted to live a life which was disciplined, balanced and just perfect. I made so so so so many plans to start my day, heard motivational videos and did every possible thing that I Could do. BUt you know what, nothing happened. I ended up doing nothing.

Then a day came when I realized that I need to take baby steps. I need to start small. The only thing that I started was making commitments.

when you commit something to yourself, then you basically leave yourself without an option. YOU JUST HAVE TO DO IT, NO MATTER HOW HARD THE CIRCUMSTANCES ARE.

just commit yourself something and get stuck by something.


First Step towards a ChANGe ❤

so, this is my first post. I dunno how things would turn up at the end, I don’t know if I’ll get even a view.. lol but more than this there is something which is very important for me and that is knowing you all.

yeah I know, enough of this intro. so, let’s get started.

so,today I wanna talk about the most disgusting emotion that all of us must have felt at some point in our lives or some of us live with it everyday.

That is FRUSTRATION. Do You know how does it actually arise? It comes when you are not happy with yourself, it comes when you don’t take out time to make yourself happy, it comes when you don’t do things that YOU Love.

what I want you all to do is,write down in the comment below that why the hell are you FRUSTRATED? OR why do you get frustrated? Not only this, write down the solution as well and tell me how do u deal with it or what could you do about it.

JUst feel free to express yourself!